Event Calendar
Goethe Student Research Symposium
The Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta, a 501c3 dedicated to connecting people of the Southeast to the Germanic language and culture, invites you to celebrate scholarship at the first-annual Goethe Student Research Symposium!
Research projects will take the form of 10-minute oral presentations in German and a 5-minute Q&A in English or German after each presentation.
Our presentation schedule is as follows:
2:00 pm Welcome
2:05 pm Brandenburger Tor: Die aktuelle Bedeutung
Emma Axelson, Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jan Uelzmann
2:20 pm Grimms Reaper: Die Wirkung der Darstellung des Todes in den Grimm Märchen auf die Entwicklung von Nationalsozialismus
Prahlad Iyenar, Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hyoun-A Joo
2:35 pm Rumpelstilzchen: Eine Botschaft über Industrialisierung in Deutschland
Lydia Fletcher, Sophomore, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hyoun-A Joo
2:50 pm Wie entschiedet man, wo jemand herkommt?
Hauke Dell, Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hyoun-A Joo
3:05 pm Break for continued discussion
3:15 pm Ladestationen: Ein wichtiges Teil der nachhaltigen Gleichung
Christopher Ballenger, Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hyoun-A Joo
3:30 pm Eine Welt durch Märchen geschaffen: wie Märchen zum systematischen Rassismus beitragen
Eve Pike, Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hyoun-A Joo
3:45 pm Modernes Märchen: Inwiefern Inglourious Basterds “Schneewittchen” und “Aschenputtel” ähnelt und die entsprechenden Konsequenzen
Isabela Pavkov, Junior, Georgia Institute of Technology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Hyoun-A Joo
4:00 pm Thank you and conclusion
The symposium is free to attend, but guests must register in advance to receive the Zoom Meeting information.