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So you want to be an au pair?

Au pairs in Germany or Austria who are non-EU citizens are required to provide evidence of German skills at the A1 level or above to obtain the au pair visa from the German consulate or embassy in the United States, or the Austrian authorities.

If you want to be an au pair in a German-speaking country*, it is important that you plan ahead: To pass the A1 exam, students without preexisting or only very generic knowledge of German generally require 60 to 120 hours of active language learning and instruction to achieve the A1 skill level. This cannot be achieved by practicing model exams only. There are multiple ways to acquire language skills. Aside from reading and listening comprehension, the approved Goethe-Institut A1 exam includes spontaneous writing and speaking tasks that evaluate your active and spontaneous communication skills needed to converse with your host family and the children you will take care of.

Contact us at ahead of time - ideally eight to twelve months before your planned au pair application and visa appointment - and we can help you plan your language learning to ensure that you will meet the requirements for the visa and fulfil your dream of being an au pair in Germany or Austria.

* For Switzerland, check specific requirements for the local canton where you want to be an au pair.