Event Calendar
Climate Crisis & Contemporary Culture: Beethoven - Pastoral and Tropic Ice
Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta and Alliance Française Atlanta, the German and French cultural centers of Atlanta, present in partnership with the South Fulton Institute, and with support from the French and German Consulates of Atlanta, the first event in our fall Climate Crisis & Contemporary Culture series.
The 2021 joint cultural programming series "Climate Crisis & Contemporary Culture" by the Alliance Française and Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta seeks to explore the diverse means by which we communicate on our current climate crisis. Man-made climate change is a planetary crisis with no borders, and the French-German series "Climate Crisis & Contemporary Culture" is an invitation to exchange experiences and art.
Join us on September 25, 2021, at Jordan’s Ridge in Palmetto, GA from 7 pm – 9 pm for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience climate change and Anthropocene photographer Barbara Dombrowski’s “Tropic Ice” photographs as a digital photo exhibition set to the music of Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, his 6th symphony known as an “expression of nature."
Barbara is a renowned German photographer and visual artist who dedicates her work to places affected by climate change. She is focusing on relevant and specific climate localities and their population living between established tradition and global modernity. Their existence and their space to live are seriously threatened by outer influences of our modern world, be it through direct or indirect impacts of climate change.
The event will be held outdoors so we can appreciate nature while consuming the impactful images and powerful music. Camping chairs will be provided by the venue, and guests are encouraged to bring their own chairs or blankets if they prefer. Free parking is also available at the venue.
We will enjoy brief remarks from the Directors of Goethe-Zentrum, Alliance Française, and South Fulton Institute, as well as a pre-recorded artist’s statement from Barbara prior to the video commencing.
A selection of German and French wines will be available for a suggested donation. Guests are permitted to bring their own food or non-alcoholic beverages to the event.
The event is free to attend, but registration is requested in advance. Register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/climate-crisis-contemporary-culture-beethoven-pastoral-and-tropic-ice-tickets-168309699843.