Event Calendar
CANCELLED - 9. November - The Fragility of Democracy on this pivotal date in Germany's history

Thank you so much for your interest in "Fragility of Democracy - 9. November"
Due to unexpected changes, we will have to reschedule the event. Please stay tuned for a new date and time.
We invite you to visit the exhibition "Thomas Mann: Democracy Will Win!" in the meantime.
The Fragility of Democracy
9. November - a pivotal date throughout Germany's history of democracy
1848: Left-liberal leader Robert Blum was executed. a symbolic event or forecast of the ultimate crushing of the German March Revolution in April and May 1849.
1918: Emperor Wilhelm II was dethroned in the November Revolution by his chancellor Max von Baden. Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed the German republic from a window of the Reichstag. Two hours later, Karl Liebknecht proclaimed a "Free Socialist Republic" from a balcony of the Berliner Stadtschloss. It was Scheidemann's intention to proclaim the republic before the communists did.
1923: The failed Beer Hall Putsch, from 8 to 9 November, Hitler simply declared himself leader in Munich, Bavaria. Hitler's march through Munich was stopped by Bavarian police who opened fire.
1938: In what is today known as Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass), from 9 to 10 November, synagogues and Jewish property were burned and destroyed on a large scale, and more than four hundred Jews were killed or driven to commit suicide.
1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall ended the separation of Germany and started a series of events that ultimately led to German reunification.
Registration is required to attend.
Our exhibit "Thomas Mann: DEMOCRACY WILL WIN!" is the backdrop to the dialog.
Come as early as 5:30 PM to experience the exhibit before the official program begins at 6:30 PM.
Look for the link below for more information on the exhibit.
Wie an wenigen Tagen häufen sich am 9. November bedeutende Moment der deutschen Demokratie – im Guten wie im Boesen.
Wir laden Sie ein, an diesem Tag gemeinsam mit Generalkonsulin Melanie Moltmann und einem Überraschungsgast die Thomas Mann Ausstellung „Democracy Will Win!“ zu besuchen und über Stand und Geschichte der Demokratie – gerade einen Tag nach den Midterms – zu reflektieren.