Event Calendar
A Note on Opera: Das Rheingold

"A Note on Opera" is back by popular demand!
Join us for “A Note on Opera" lecture: DAS RHEINGOLD
Are you a “Ring-Nut” or a “Ring-let”? A longtime fan or a newbie to the Wagner universe?
Learn about the composer, the music, the plot, the characters, the historical background and more.
Presented in English by David Kerr.
No pre-existing knowledge of either music or German, Italian or other language required.
1-2 sessions per month TBD
Goethe-Atlanta members: $20.00 (log into your account with the link to the "Member Event Registration" below)
Non-members: $25.00 (use the "Register Here" button above)_
The Atlanta Opera is performing "Das Rheingold". The link below takes you to available tickets.
Enjoy a breakfast with the Atlanta Opera Maestro Fagen on May 3. Link below.
Join us for the film screening of "Wagner's Jews" at the Breman Museum. Details below.
These events are a part of the Goethe-Zentrum's series "Flussläufte - Der Rhein / River Courses – The Rhine".
Explore European rivers as cultural spaces: mythology, history, trade, ecology, and lifestyle along the rivers of Germany and beyond.