Event Calendar

Meet the author Reiner Lomb, transformational change leader and executive coach:
In his new book, Reiner Lomb writes, “Many of my own experiences have inspired the creation of ASPIRE. Yet one stands out above all others as an illustration of the power of emotions in leading change…It’s November 9, 1989, and I am on vacation in Cuba. It is already late and I’m trying to sleep, but the sound of cheering outside my hotel room keeps me awake. I get up and open the door to ask the noisemakers to be quiet, but before I’m able to speak, a man shouts at me, “Die Mauer ist gefallen!” (“The Wall came down!”) I shake my head, thinking, “How drunk must he be that he believes the Wall has come down?” I go back to bed, not believing what I have heard.”
How a small group of committed leaders peacefully brought down the Berlin Wall by mobilizing millions of people is one of many of the stories Reiner Lomb shares in Aspire to show the power of emotions in creating positive change.
Included is the story of Anke Jahn, who grew up behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany. At the age of 18, just three months before the Berlin Wall came down, she and her best friend escaped. Join us for an exciting evening with Reiner Lomb and Anke Jahn and learn the seven essential emotions for leading positive change, no matter where you are.
The program is in English.
The discussion is lead by our executive director Oliver Gorf and occasionally highlight German vocabulary for additional, deep insights.
Doors open at 6:30PM - come mingle.
The official program begins at 7:00PM.
Please RSVP through the link above to reserve your seat.