Event Calendar
AUTHOR READING: Dilek Güngör's novel "Vater und ich"

Join us on April 8 at 2:30 pm for a virtual reading and Q&A with author Dilek Güngör from her novel "Vater und ich" ("Father and Me") (2021). The novel, published in 2021 and nominated for the German Book Prize, follows an adult daughter’s quest to understand the distant relationship she has to her father, who immigrated from Turkey to Germany as a so-called "guest worker" in the 1970s.
Reading from "Vater und ich" in German and English, with Q&A in English.
The event is hosted by the Emory University Department of German Studies, co-organized by the Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta, the Emory College Language Center, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and moderated by Frank Voigt.