Event Calendar
KINO: KURZFILMNACHT - COME TOGÄTHER for short films from the German-speaking countries

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Belgium in ATL are inviting to Kinoabend:
We are screening a selection of short films in German and German dialects.
With English subtitles.
Recommended for audiences 18+
Doors open at 7:00pm.
Film screenings begin at 7:30pm.
Swiss-German films:
(starring Carlos Leal from James Bond: Casino Royale): Two gay gentlemen, Theo and Louis, embark on a train journey to Paxmal. They are carrying an urn – it is the last journey for a friend. On their way deep into the Swiss Alps the two men, struggling with their fate, meet various people. While some of these people remind Theo and Louis again of the beautiful things in life, others confront them with ghosts from the past.
Fränzi Moser is renting out her secluded alpine hut for the first time and prepares everything in minute detail. However, due to an overbooking four guests arrive instead of two: local politician Erich Hässig with his marketing expert Urs and young influencer Jennifer with her boyfriend Nirosh. They all need to weather out a snow storm raging outside the hut.
Belgian-German Film:
Während des Gewitters an einem Hochsommerabend, überschneiden sich die Wege zweier Teenager mit denen eines alten Ehepaares. So erwartet unerwartet wie der Wolkenbruch an diesem Tag, ändern sich schlagartig diese vier Leben.
During a thunderstorm on a midsummer evening, the paths of two teenagers intersect with those of an old married couple. As unexpected as the cloudburst that day, these four lives suddenly change.
Director: Julius Pfeiffer
Premier date: October 10, 2020 (Belgium)
Cast: Sophie Tihomirnova, Musa Gülhan, Brigitte Korn; Albert Janssen
German Film:
Weite Wiesen, Toben im Wald und Hüttenbauen aus Holz. Leo (12) verbringt die Herbstferien mit der großen Schwester Noémie und Cousin Emil auf dem Bauernhof von Oma Marlies. Als Leo jedoch von einer, wie Oma Marlies sagt, großartigen Neuigkeit überrascht wird, kommt er ins Gruebeln...
Wide meadows, playing in the forest and building huts out of wood. Leo (12) is spending the autumn holidays with his big sister Noémie and cousin Emil on Grandma Marlies' farm. However, when Leo is surprised by what Grandma Marlies calls great news, Leo starts wondering ...
Regisseur/Director: Tajo Hurrle
Jahr/Year: 2021
Besetzung / Cast: Sky Arndt (Leo), Sarah Goebel (Noémie), Aaron Goebel (Emil), Ute Lubosch (Oma Marlies), Thapelo Mashiane (Lukas)
+++ A "COME TOGÄTHER - Week of the German-speaking countries" Event +++